Telegram Desktop Messenger is the new Android and iPhone has gained popularity among users. And now a new software version has been released Telegram Desktop for Windows operating systems.
Telegram Desktop software users can file types such as photos, videos, music and files doc, Zip, Pdf, etc. indefinitely for one another. Telegram Desktop software can now work much the devices and Windows operating systems have different file so that users no longer need to send email, and upload them on their sites. The software can easily and using Drag & Drop your files to put on screen the audience chat and upload speed up to it. Just a few clicks you can send your video without worrying about the lack of certainty due to the high volume of video or simply for your friends. Telegram Messenger feature, you can invite your friends to 100, simple and quick sending files up to 1 GB, storage of files shared by your friends and also beautiful and friendly environment noted. This popular app has attractive stickers and emoticons in chat rooms and users can use it. Telegram Desktop is very easy to use the software. You By installing this software on your Windows can put your account number in the box given to you will be sent with SMS enabled.
New version features Telegram Desktop v0.9.49:
– Edit your messages everywhere within 2 days after sending it
– Added Quick latest posts on the search field
– Ability to quickly share posts by groups
(Total Size):…………..(18MB)

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